Monday, November 14, 2011

Love my camera

An early Christmas present for me this year...a Canon EOS Rebel T3. To say I love it would be an understatement. I'm still shooting in automatic mode, but I plan on learning the other settings soon.

It's making blogging for Craft Critique so much easier. No more jury-rigging my lights, backdrops and shooting outside.

We took the girls to the Chinese garden near the zoo for a little photo shoot. It was hard to get all three to cooperate. Well, mostly Anna, who preferred running to sitting.

My favorite from the day.

Of course there were a lot of these.

But I think I got one that will work for my purposes.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Wow! Anna's grown so much and Emma's hair is so long! You will love your camera! ESP with such cuties to capture- hello to all.